

Acme revolutionizes decentralized app transactions, enabling effortless and secure on-chain payments for crypto users and streamlining Web3 development for developers with a single API.

acme: The easiest & safest way to transact on-chain

Imagine a world where crypto users can effortlessly transact with any decentralized app on any blockchain, using various payment options with just a few taps, securely and socially. Welcome to acme which stands out as a pioneer in revolutionizing the way we trade and finance real-world assets.

Their mission? To offer the fastest, easiest, and safest method for users to transact on-chain with decentralized apps, even if they have no prior knowledge of Crypto. With acme, anyone can dive into the world of decentralized applications and experience the freedom of secure and user-friendly transactions.

But that's not all. With a seamless onboarding process for Web3 development, they've revolutionized the way developers integrate with their platform. Gone are the days of juggling multiple Web3 SDKs; now, developers can effortlessly connect to acme using a single API and a simple button click, unlocking a world of possibilities. 


Journey of acme
  • During the ideation phase of its journey, acme recognized the importance of user-friendly and secure transactions. They also realized that decentralized apps prioritize transaction conversion via tokens and contracts and this insight drove them to optimize their platform for high conversion rates and provide an easy developer experience
  • In the second stage, acme formed partnerships with core infrastructure providers who shared their vision. They worked closely with these partners to integrate their platforms into acme’s ecosystem, enhancing the functionality and usability of their platforms.
  • Finally, after successfully launching on the testnet, acme is preparing to launch on the main net in the coming weeks with select alpha customers and this signifies the readiness of acme’s platform for wider adoption and real-world usage
  • Presently, acme is actively using 14 technologies for its website which include DomainNot Resolving, LetsEncrypt, and HSTS.

Major Challenges

Challenges faced by acme
  • In its Endeavors, acme faced significant challenges in establishing strategic partnerships with Infrastructure providers during the early conceptual stage of their product and in convincing them to prioritize the development of their platform. 
  • To overcome this challenge, acme dedicated its efforts to building robust relationships and effectively communicating its vision.
  • Another major challenge emerged due to a slowdown in the market, resulting in a decreased demand and on-chain volume. Consequently, enterprises were hesitant to enter the Cryptocurrency space. 
  • To address this issue, acme identified forward-thinking enterprise customers who recognized the value of Cryptocurrencies for their business and their platform. 
  • acme is currently collaborating with these customers to launch pilot programs that demonstrate the benefits of crypto and instill confidence in the process of onboarding customers to Cryptocurrency

Future Plans

Future Roadmap of acme
  • In its plans, acme envisions collaborating with larger enterprise companies to assist them in the distribution of their assets while simultaneously enhancing the user experience on their platform for customers. 
  • The company aims to expand its partnerships and implement continuous improvements to deliver increased value and accessibility to a broader range of users and businesses within the Cryptocurrency space.
  • acme intends to achieve this by refining its platform, enhancing its features, and simplifying user navigation to facilitate the seamless utilization of its services. 
  • By prioritizing the creation of a user-friendly and efficient environment, acme strives to ensure a positive experience for both enterprise partners and the customers they serve in the Crypto industry.
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